Monday, December 23, 2013

                                        SEVEN BEDS IN SEVEN NIGHTS

 We haven't left the ground yet, but this may be the toughest stretch of our trip. Last night we realized that we were in the midst of spending seven consecutive nights in seven different beds in seven different places.
Maybe it's not as tough as crossing the country by stagecoach or hiking across the Andes, but not being 22 anymore, it can be a bit taxing on the old body.
It began on Friday (Dec.20) which we spent in So.Cal. Actually, Teresa was in Lancaster, and Jim in La Canada. After the family Christmas party, we drove half way home, and spent the night in Madera.  Sunday was our last night in our own bed in Sutter Creek for a month.  Monday is being spent at the Holiday Inn Express near SFO.  Tuesday our bed will be over the Pacific, if you can call an airline seat a bed.
Beijing, China is where we will spend Wednesday night as we have a 24hour layover. Finally, on Thursday we land in Chiang Mai, Thailand. We think we're set for the first couple of nights at a place called The River Convention and Training Center, but as far as nights 10 through 30, we'll figure out as we go.  (Jim)                                                              

 (Teresa)  One thing I know, is that we will sleep well at night, or at least have peace throughout because of all the people who have prayed with us and for us as we prepared for our journey.  Just in the last few days, in spite of the busyness of the season, people have taken the time to stop what they are doing to lift us up in prayer.  We can count a half a dozen occasions where friends and family gathered around us to ask God to go before us, protect us, and help us be obedient servants. So to all those who have prayed and continue to do so on our behalf, we thank you.  It means more then you can know.  We wish you all a very merry Christmas. And to all a good night (of sleep).  :)

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