Thursday, January 16, 2014

Amazing Thai Children

These kids are amazing because: Even the youngest ( 5 or 6 years ) are self sufficient. They get up each morning, and with little or no supervision get themselves ready for school by making their beds, knowing the uniforms they need for that day (each day requires a different school uniform), getting dressed, and lining up for breakfast in orderly and timely fashion.

These kids are amazing because:  They are very disciplined. No one eats until everyone has been served and a blessing said. This means that the kids who were first in line may have to wait up to ten minutes with their meal in front of them before they can take their first bite. Each child performs daily chores which contribute to the overall good of the home. Some help with meal preparation,while others clean-up after meals. Many of the younger ones are responsible for caring for the garden after school, while older ones sweep, rake or burn trash.  At 7:00pm every night they all gather together to do homework, and do it without messing around. Again very little supervision is required.

These kids are amazing because:  120+ live together year round with very little private space, yet I have not witnessed any fighting and very mild disagreements which are worked out amongst the kids themselves. Sharing and taking turns is 2nd nature to them. They sleep, eat, go to school, work, and play together 24/7 in a steady melodic harmony.

These kids are amazing because:  They have so little, yet seem completely content. A piece of string, some water and dirt, a ball, or jump rope fuel their imaginations and bring them hours of entertainment and joy. They love the simple hand games like arm wrestling, patty cake, and others long forgotten by American youth.

These kids are amazing because: They smile and laugh so easily and don't seem to take themselves too seriously in spite of having no family or being separated from family.

These kids are amazing because: We came here to serve and bless them, but they have turned the tables on us and given us so much more then we have given them.

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