Thursday, January 2, 2014

Inconvenience Is The Pathway To Opportunity

It's a good thing we're not a couple who have to adhere to a strict agenda and schedule.  We after all are in Thailand where time and plans are very fluid concepts.
We had anticipated that we would be spending this week working in a Children's home near Chiang Mai.  However a few days before we left the States, we were informed that the home would be closed because of the holiday and the children would be gone.  So after spending our first day here in the school, and the next two days traveling back and forth to Chiang Kham, we were suddenly faced with a week of not having anything to do.
But as much as we would like to be serving, we have been able to experience some people, places, and culture that we otherwise would have missed.
Monday (Teresa's birthday) was the one day we set aside as a down day.  After a quiet morning, Tessa and our new Thai friend Patty Happy Seoul, and the two of us rode a song tao (Thai taxi) into Chiang Mai, and just sort of meandered through the streets looking at temples, shopping, having coffee and absorbing the sights and sounds of Thailand.  Around 6pm, we grabbed another song pao that took us to Khaomao-Khaofang known as the jungle restaurant.  We had to wait for an hour, but enjoyed a five course meal in a beautiful jungle setting.  The total cost for the four of us was around $50.

On Tuesday, after a quiet morning, we were taken to lunch by our new Australian friends, Tim and Bronwyn who run the The River Training and Convention Center where we have been staying.  We've enjoyed getting to know them as well as hearing about the work they do here at the Center.  We've heard some incredible stories about some of the youth that have come from different parts of the world to come stay and learn how to earn a living.  After lunch Tim took us to the Night Safari where we enjoyed two tram rides to see the animals, watch a Tiger show, be entertained by the Thai Women dancing in their elaborate gowns and having a personal encounter with a tiger while getting our picture taken with it.  For dinner, we sampled local foods from a few of the many vendors there.  It was a fun day.

Wednesday we were picked up by Tessa's friend/teacher SI-Pan who had us join her family in going to the Elephant Camp.  Jim and I rode one of the elephants while the rest of the group went to see an elephant show.  We did a little shopping and then went back to SI-Pan's garden home to join her and her family for a wonderful dinner.  The whole experience was great. As soon as we arrived, SI-Pan's nephew went out to the pond and caught two fish from the pond for our dinner.  As we sat on the ground, legs crossed, encircling the hot cooking pot, waiting for the fish and pork and vegetables to cook, we listened to  Thai music and just enjoyed the surroundings. After dinner the men set off fireworks and brought out lanterns for us to send up into the sky (similar concept to our hot air balloons). It was wonderful to experience a little of their culture. The Thai's are a very warm and accepting people.

 Today, Thursday,  we were taken by Brawnlyn and Tim  to a Thai family's home and treated just like family.  Actually the family is part of the Karen tribe, the largest of the tribal people that are scattered about Northern Thailand. They have a very compelling story about how God  brought them to where they are today. This family of five live in a small one bedroom apartment like dwelling, and obviously have very little. Yet they welcomed us, prepared a wonderful lunch, and truly blessed us more then we did them.
So while things haven't gone the way we planned, we are still seeing the blessings of each day we have here.  As our friend Tim, points out, "inconvenience is the pathway to opportunity.'

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