Tuesday, January 21, 2014

And Now A Word From Our Sponsors

OK call us a soft touch, but a person can't come here and see how these children live and not do something. So, in applying the old saying, "two is better then one," then we should conclude that four is better then two.  And that's what we did, took four children to be our Thai babies and will now be sponsoring them so we can remain involved with their precious lives even if we are far away.  It will also motivate us to return.

Before we flew down to Bangkok, we met with Jill Ireland the lady who runs the Southeast Asia division of Sports International Ministries. She took us out to lunch with a couple of her Thai staff members. The young woman that we met told us about the difficult family life she had come from,and was able to escape that life because someone chose to sponsor her. But she said one of the most powerful and transforming moments of her life was when her sponsors came to Thailand and she was able to meet her "American parents."
Even though we won't be able to interact with them every day, we will be able to keep abreast of their activities through the home. We will send them birthday cards, and little notes of encouragement, and maybe even one day when they reach high school bring one over to attend school in America.
However, as stated above, there are still kids here who do not have anyone helping take care of their basic needs through sponsorship. You can have a powerful impact on a life that could one day help change the spiritual direction of a country that is only about ½ of one percent Christian.
An even bigger need, we found out after we committed to our four kids, is  for people to sponsor current and additional staff. The home is very understaffed, as there are only about six full time people there to care for 130 kids.  Because of that the high school girls have been delegated the responsibility of making sure kids are up and ready in the morning, and helping the younger ones with homework each night in addition to their full time school load and chores around the home. These girls have very little free time as they try to juggle their school work, with the added responsibilities of helping care for the younger kids. So if you can look past the beautiful faces of the children below who still need sponsorship, and want to be a bit more ambitious in helping this home that is doing so much with so little, you can sponsor a staff member.  Let us know and we will get you hooked up.

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